Safinatun Najah Kitab Fiqih


This book is intended for students and beginners so that it only contains the conclusions of fiqh law without including the arguments and the basis for taking the arguments in determining the law. Even so, there are still some fiqh problems that are classified as ikhtilaf among scholars of fiqh experts between schools and even among scholars of the Shafi'i school themselves, so that seriousness or guidance is needed in choosing a more appropriate opinion (rajih) in accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah.

This book was written by Salim bin Sumair al-Hadhrami, a Yemeni cleric who died in Jakarta in the 13th century H. This book is popular among Nahdliyyin Islamic boarding schools and is included as one of the basic curriculum materials.

In many countries, this book can be obtained easily in educational institutions. Because, both the students and the scholars like to study it carefully and thoroughly. This book covers the main points of religion in a complete, unified, and complete way, starting with the chapter on the basics of the Shari'a and then the purification chapter, the prayer chapter, the zakat chapter, the fasting chapter, and the hajj chapter.

The book of Safinah has the full title Safinatun Naja Fiima Yajibu `ala Abdi Li Maulah (a boat of salvation in learning the obligations of a servant to his Lord). Even though this book is small, its benefits are enormous. In every village, city, and country, almost everyone learns and even memorizes it, both individually and collectively.

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The application is made with the best design for easy navigation and user experience. Hopefully this Complete Safinatun Najah Book application can be useful and bring blessings to all of us.

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Ustad Abdul Somad Menjawab